Conexión San Angelo newsroom, Jim Sánchez
Angelo State University’s fall commencement graduation ceremony was held by way of virtual streaming. ASU congratulated 600 grads at a 10 a.m. ceremony that took place on Dec. 5, 2020.
Conexión San Angelo newsroom, Jim Sánchez
SAN ANGELO – Angelo State University’s 2020 “in real-time” commencement ceremony may have been postponed, but in its place was a virtual fall one with its new and 11th President of ASU, Lt. General (RET.) Ronnie D. Hawkins, Jr. at the helm. Hawkins, ASU faculty, and other regent members were on hand to congratulate 600 graduates who were recognized at a ceremony that began at 10 a.m. on Dec. 5, 2020. ASU graduates faced crucible moments and events that included a pandemic since last March. “While I am sure that there are things you will want to forget about the pandemic, I encourage you to reflect upon your accomplishments despite the pandemic,” said Hawkins.
Graduates from the Archer College of Health and Human Services, College of Arts and Humanities, College of Education, Norris-Vincent College of Business, and College of Science and Engineering as well as graduates of the College of Graduate Studies and Research in all academic fields were recognized.
FMI on all the degrees awarded, go to
Gradúan 600 de ASU en ceremonia virtual
Sala de redacción Conexión San Angelo, Jim Sánchez
SAN ANGELO - La ceremonia de graduación 2020 “en tiempo real” de Angelo State University puede haberse pospuesto, pero en su lugar hubo una ceremonia virtual con el décimoprimer presidente de ASU, de reciente ingreso al puesto el Teniente General (Retirado) Ronnie D. Hawkins Jr. dirigiendo el evento.
Hawkins, el cuerpo docente de ASU y otros miembros del plantel estuvieron presentes para felicitar a los 600 graduados, quienes fueron reconocidos en una ceremonia que comenzó a las 10 a.m. del 5 de diciembre. Los graduados de ASU enfrentaron momentos cruciales y eventos que incluyeron una pandemia desde marzo pasado. “Si bien estoy seguro de que hay cosas que querrá olvidar sobre la pandemia, les animo a que reflexionen sobre sus logros a pesar de la pandemia”, dijo Hawkins.
Fueron reconocidos los graduados del Archer College of Health and Human Services, College of Arts and Humanities, College of Education, Norris-Vincent College of Business y College of Science and Engineering, así como graduados del College of Graduate Studies and Research en todos los campos académicos.
Para más información sobre esta ceremonia de graduación visite