Conexión San Angelo newsroom, Jim Sánchez
Photo courtesy of BHF’s Facebook page

Blackshear Heights Family board member/ secretary Darian Williams seated far left, honored community member, Annie Bell Samuel for her legacy contributions earlier in February, 2023. SAN ANGELO – “What is important is family, friends, giving back to your community, and finding meaning in life” Adrian Grenier
The Blackshear Heights Family nonprofit organization’s “meaning in life” is truly embodied in that axiom when it comes to making a difference in the lives of their families, their friends and within their community.
“Our mission is to give back to our elders, to show our appreciation for them paving the way for us” stated Miss Darien Williams, BHF board member/ secretary who represented five board members: Larry Owens, president, Shayla Lavizzo, treasurer, Orlando Colbert, Chairman, D. Kelly, and 16 other members.
Blackshear Height’s twofold vision also encompasses a younger generation, the youth who Williams views as today’s leaders. BHF connected both generations together when youth accompanied them to do yardwork for one senior, Annie Bell Samuel, also known as “Big Mama.” “Big Mama” Bell considered a hero by BHF was recognized earlier this past February, 2023 for contributions to her community. Just to cite several, one was being the first black, bondswoman, and another was as recipient of the NAACP’s WOW Award. “Thank you for laying down the foundation for future generations to come,” said Williams.
Darian also has a deep affection for today’s youth. “The greatest feeling in the world is being able to give back to someone such as a child then the next time they see you, they hug you.”
One upcoming BHF event includes a diaper drive, and single mother baskets to be given out at a community celebration party in April.
FMI to join or volunteer, contact Williams at 325-450-7804. Or visit their Facebook page, Blackshear Heights Family.