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SAISD Elementaries to Host Kindergarten Round-Up Week May 2-5th

Save-the-Date: SAISD Elementaries to Host Kindergarten Round-Up Week May 2-5th

At San Angelo ISD, we are excited to begin growing hopes and dreams with our future

kindergarten students! Next week, May 2-5, 2022, SAISD elementary schools across the

district will open our doors to welcome the families of incoming kindergarten students to get

to know their future elementary schools and receive assistance with the online enrollment

process for the 2022-2023 school year.

These Kindergarten Round-Up

events are an opportunity for

our future kindergarteners and

families to check out the

campus, talk with the principal,

meet teachers, complete forms

for next year, and learn more

about what to expect in

kindergarten at SAISD. Studies

show that the first eight years

of a child’s life are incredible opportunities for life-changing brain development, and we

invite families to learn more about how our kindergarten classrooms are designed with this

in mind.

As part of the San Angelo READS! community-wide literacy initiative, all incoming

kindergarten students who attend one of the Round-Up events will receive a special book,

“Clifford Goes to Kindergarten” by Norman Bridwell as a fun way to welcome them to the

SAISD Family and to inspire a love of reading. Round-Up event details, dates and times will

vary some from campus to campus. We will provide details specific to campuses as they

become available. Families who are unable to visit their campus are also invited to come by

the SAISD Administration Building at 1621 University Avenue on May 4, 2022 from 8:00am to

6:00pm as part of Kindergarten Round-Up Week to learn more.

Enrollment for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year is now open on our website at To be eligible for kindergarten, children must be 5 years old on or before

September 1, 2022.

Parents/guardians should be prepared to upload the following items in order to register their


● Child's official birth certificate (Click here to order a Texas birth certificate online or

visit the Tom Green County Clerk’s Office to request one in-person if the child was

born in Tom Green County)

● Social Security card (Click here to order a replacement social security card)

● DOD Identification (Military ID or orders)

● Updated immunization record (Click here for a list of required immunizations)

● Proof of address (electric, water, or gas bill, or lease/rental agreement)

● Proof of Income (or other similar documents) to apply for the free or reduced meals

program for the first 30 days of school through SchoolCafe. This is not required for

enrollment but to apply for the free or reduced meals program. Click here for more


To determine your child's home campus, enter your address into our Infofinder system here

or click here to view attendance zones.

For more information about Kindergarten enrollment, please call or visit your child’s home

campus. We look forward to starting this educational journey together, and to providing your

child with an inspiring education which cultivates their individual hopes and dreams. Follow

the San Angelo ISD Facebook, Twitter, and website,, for related updates and

to stay up-to-date on San Angelo ISD.

SAISD Prekindergarten (Pre-K) for Eligible Students

SAISD is also excited to welcome Pre-K students who meet eligibility criteria, and to provide a

relevant and inspiring education to the future of San Angelo. Our Pre-K program is designed

to provide children with skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. We also offer a

unique program for bilingual Spanish-speaking students starting in Pre-K where children

receive instruction in the student’s first language to become proficient in listening, speaking,

reading and writing in both English and Spanish. For more information on the Pre-K program

or eligibility, visit our website at or call 325-947-3838. For more

information on the Bilingual Pre-K program, contact the SAISD Director of Bilingual & English

Language Learners, Christy Diego (habla espanol) by email to or by

phone at 325-947-3838 extension 798.

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