During the July Regular Board Meeting, San Angelo ISD’s Assistant Superintendent of
Curriculum and Instruction, Dr. Jana Rueter, unveiled a digital learning environment plan to
distribute iPads to every teacher and student. The inclusion of innovative technologies within
our everyday learning practices directly correlates with the District’s goal to provide our
students with a relevant and inspiring education which produces future-ready graduates in a
digital generation.
San Angelo ISD is planning a phased approach to device distribution to students and teachers
in order to provide thoughtful training and practices in each phase. The first phase of the
district program will begin with putting iPads into the hands of our high school teachers at
the end of July 2021 which will help familiarize them with the devices and ed-tech platforms
which will later become used by their students. The second phase will include distribution to
our middle school and elementary teachers and students. More information will be released
about each phase closer to the dates of distribution.
“Distributing iPads to our students and staff allows SAISD an opportunity to provide a digital
learning tool to access instructional resources which inspires our students to become
future-ready in the digital environment,” said Dr. Jana Rueter. “These iPad’s will provide our
students quality and dependable access to our teachers and instruction through our Learning
Management Systems and digital resources.”
We look forward to providing your students with learning experiences designed for their
superior talents with digital devices and connections.
To stay up-to-date on San Angelo ISD, please visit the SAISD website at www.saisd.org and
follow us on Facebook and Twitter.