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Special Projects 2021: Voting Rights, Posada

Conexion San Angelo newsroom, Jim Sanchez

The San Angelo Citizen Center, and Conexión San Angelo joined together in a trial merger with two “special projects” --voting rights and underprivileged kids both for the present and for the upcoming Christmas Posada.

SAN ANGELO — San Angelo Citizen Center, a division of Latino and Community Outreach and Conexión San Angelo joined forces together in a trial merger with two “special projects” in mind. One of which one involves voting rights while the other is with underprivileged kids.

“Today, September first, 2021, we celebrate ‘Diversity in America”, specifically Latino Advocacy Voting Rights” said Michael LePak, Citizen advocate for the organization. Both LePak and Araceli Gutiérrez, CEO of Conexión held an open house and ribbon cutting ceremony afterward at the Citizen Center location, 12 E. Twohig St.

“Special Projects will promote voter registration, and civic empowerment within the San Angelo Community to citizens of all walks in life” stated Conexión San Angelo.

As for the second project, it will be the San Angelo Christmas Posada drive for collection of toys in behalf of underprivileged children from September 15, 2021 through October 15, 2021.

This year’s Posada entering its 20th year, will be held at the McNease Convention Center, 501 Rio Concho Drive on Friday, December 10, 2021.

For more information on collection sites available for drop-off of toys call 325-655-2345. Or 325-655-6371.

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