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Former pediatrician contradicts CEO’s presentation

Conexion San Angelo newsroom, Jim Sánchez

Dr. Jean Woodman, a pediatrician formerly employed by San Angelo Community Medical Center, was allotted five minutes to make public comments at Shannon Medical Center’s COPA meeting held on Wednesday, September 14, 2022.

SAN ANGELO – At Shannon Medical Center’s 2ndannual, Certificate of Public Advantage (COPA) meeting, CEO, Shane Plymell made a presentation on the positive changes and new services within the past year, also included were future plans to further expand access to local patients, etc.

Shannon is required by the Texas Health and Human Health Services to submit quarterly reports regarding progress and how the expanded organization is providing additional benefit to the community. HHHS also requires that a review be open to public comment.

Dr. Jean Woodman, a specialist in Pediatrics formerly employed with San Angelo Community Medical Centerin her allotted five minutes for public comments, contradicted the CEO’s positive presentation.

In September 20, 2020, the Federal Trade Commission issued 70 pages discussing the mergers of Abilene and San Angelo. It was stated in their discussion there is serious risks of competitive and consumer harm in the form of higher healthcare costs, lower quality, reduced innovations. Two years after the merger, there is higher health cost, poor access to care, and lower quality carestated Woodman.

“You haven’t complied with the state guidelines for almost three years now and have mislead the public. Shannon does not meet the standards of care for both the state of Texas Health and Human Services and the AAP guidelines” concluded Woodman.



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