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Writer's pictureConexión San Angelo

‘Home Away From Home’ Serves GFAB Members

Updated: Jan 6, 2021

Conexión San Angelo newsroom, GFAB Airman 1st Class Ethan Sherwood, Public Affairs

Volunteers served food to military members, and first responders, at the “Home Away From Home” event in the First Financial Pavilion on Christmas Day, 2020. (Photo by Airman 1st Class, Ethan Sherwood.)

SAN ANGELO – San Angelo’s Elks Lodge No. 1880 hosted its fifth annual “Home Away From Home” event at the First Financial Pavilion on Dec. 25, 2020.

Since 2015, the Elks provide military members a “home away from home” to eat, socialize, and receive gifts.

Col. James Finlayson, 17th Training Wing vice commander, Col. Tony England, 17th Mission Support Group commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Casy Boomershine, 17th Training Wing command chief, all attended the event, interacted with military personnel, and wished them a happy holiday.

In a combined effort between donations from the city and funding from the Elks, hundreds of presents were bought alongside a mountain of food, drink, and desserts.

There was a wide range of gifts, from weighted blankets and sleep masks to speakers and drones.

Extra food and gifts were given to first responders and military members who were quarantined or couldn’t make it because of their jobs.


‘Hogar lejos de Casa’ sirve a los miembros de GFAB

Conexión San Angelo sala de redacción, GFAB Airman 1st Class Ethan Sherwood, Public Affairs

SAN ANGELO - La logia Elks Lodge No. 1880 de San Ángelo realizó su quinto evento anual "Home Away From Home" en el First Financial Pavilion el 25 de diciembre de 2020.

Desde 2015, los Elks ofrecen a los militares un "hogar lejos del hogar" donde comer, socializar y recibir regalos.

El Coronel James Finlayson, vice comandante de la 17 Ala de Entrenamiento, el Coronel Tony England, comandante del Grupo de Apoyo de la Misión 17 y el Sargento Primero en Jefe. Casy Boomershine, jefe de comando de la 17 Ala de Entrenamiento, todos asistieron al evento, interactuaron con el personal militar y les deseó felices fiestas.

En un esfuerzo combinado entre donaciones de la ciudad y fondos de los Elks, se compraron cientos de regalos junto con comida, bebida y postres.

El evento contó con una amplia gama de regalos, desde mantas y antifaces para dormir hasta altavoces y drones.

Se entregaron alimentos y regalos adicionales a los socorristas y miembros de las fuerzas armadas que fueron puestos en cuarentena o no pudieron

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