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Local Seeking donations for Children in Mexico

Dear Local Business Community

San Juan de Guadalupe Gift Campaign is a social service initiative developed from the abundant needs in the San Juan de Guadalupe community of Mexico. In 2020 while traveling in the area then, I discovered the children in the community never received a Christmas gift. Christmas is family, community, food, laughter, giving and receiving, traditions, and great memories. Children in San Juan do not experience many of the facets of Christmas.

I decided to do something to at least address some of the facets of Christmas missing for these children. I started a Gift Giving Campaign in 2020. In 2020 (the first year) I brought 90 gifts to the children. In 2021 I was able to bring 250 gifts to children. I have yet to touch the need in its entirety, therefore as a donor, I wish to continue to grow in the number of donors and gifts we bring to the children in San Juan.

We welcome your company to join us in serving these children through a gift campaign or financial donation for the purchases of gifts. Thank you in advance for your support.

Our 2022 goal is to bring 400 gifts.


Sonia Martinez, Just a lady giving back where she can!

Please free to contact me at 325-284-9737

Any donation is appreciated!

Toys can be dropped off at 111 E Highland San Angelo, Texas 76903

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