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The Future of Hispanic Leadership

Conexion San Angelo Newsroom

West Texas Creo held its annual Symposium on Saturday, November 9th at Lakeview Highschool. It was an Educational Symposium for 1st generation families and students in the San Angelo community. CREO is a non-profit organization dedicated to serve the future leadership needs of the Hispanic community. Ernest Nieto, founder of the National Hispanic Institute (NHI) was the keynote speaker.

The purpose of the NHI is to prepare the future Hispanic leaders. “These programs are designed to help students and parents. It is one thing to want to peruse a position in the community and another is to be prepared and know how to go about it,” commented Nieto.

Students from 6th to 12th grade attended breakout sessions that educated them about the importance of preparing themselves to be academically successful throughout their educational career. Parents were provided guidance in how to prepare their children to be successful.

“We had a great turnout, it was exciting to see the kids interact with our community partners. I think it was beneficial for them,” stated Sarah Coronado, president of CREO. Coronado encourages community leaders to reinvest in the education of the youth.

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