SAN FELIPE DEL RIO CISD January 6, 2021 SFDRCISD SUSPENDS ALL UIL AND EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES District leaders met yesterday to discuss additional measures to reduce and help contain the spread of the SARS COVID-19 virus on campus. After this brief discussion, SFDRCISD Superintendent, Dr. Carlos Rios announced that all UIL and extra-curricular activities, including before and after-school practices and games will be suspended temporarily over the next two weeks beginning today. This announcement came after District leaders reviewed recently released data indicating the current spike in COVID-19 cases among our community and the number of student athletes who had tested positive. Dr. Rios explained that “the contact nature of sports coupled with the 31.64% positivity rate (7-day) for our community has quickly led us to suspend activities that are not inherently structured.” Athletic Director Coach Rick Smith will work with the UIL District (Laredo & Eagle Pass Schools) to postpone games until we can arrive at more manageable COVID-19 infection rates. “We are not certain of a date when we can resume competition, and therefore are not able to determine if boys’ and girls’ varsity basketball games can be made up before playoff certification deadlines. However, we will do our best given a very difficult situation”, explained Coach Smith. SFDRCISD is monitoring all COVID-19 statistics on a daily basis and will provide updates as they become available.