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Africanized honey bees are widespread in the community

Conexión San Angelo newsroom, Jim Sánchez

Bee Solutions owner, Kevin Wirth and his staff are professional, experienced firefighters when it comes to the removal of bees. Wirth’s three-year business is located at 2909 Alta Vista Ln San Angelo, Texas.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Wirth’s Facebook page

SAN ANGELO – Kevin Wirth, owner of Bee Solutions, and a beekeeper, his highly skilled technicians and experienced firefighters have noticed the Africanized honey bee (also known as the "killer bee”), “This year, locally the bees have been on the attack more than ever.”

Seven of Wirth’s clients escaped the attacks by these aggressive Africanized bees in the past two months. Yet their domesticated animals, and their livestock animals didn’t make it.

Any type of loud vibration noises near the bee colony’s home called a hive, will cause thousands of them to attack.

If someone attempts to poison the bees’ home, they are just addressing the surface because a greater number which includes the mother bee are embedded deeply within the hive. It is best left up to a professional who can remove the bees safely and relocate them.

“The best time to remove the honeybees from someone’s place is at nights when the bees are home,” concluded Wirth.

For additional information, call 325-245-6914. Or go to the website.

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