Tom Nurre
Angelo State University’s chapter of the Order of the Sword and Shield national honor society inducted 26 new members during a recent ceremony in ASU’s Kay Bailey Hutchison Center for Security Studies.
The Order of the Sword and Shield is the only academic and professional honor society dedicated exclusively to homeland security, intelligence, emergency management and all protective security disciplines. The ASU chapter was chartered in 2015 and is one of only 57 Official Academic Chapters in the U.S., including just five chapters in Texas.
To be eligible for induction, students must be majoring in homeland security, intelligence or other protective security field at an accredited institution of higher education, and must have completed at least 50 percent of the credit hours required for graduation. Undergraduate students must have at least a 3.25 grade point average, and graduate students must have at least a 3.5 GPA. Students are inducted by invitation and only after recommendation by at least two faculty members.
The 2018-19 ASU student inductees, by hometown and major, are:
San Angelo: Lorena De La Cruz, intelligence and analysis; Terrence Fulsom, homeland security; Kyle Rader, intelligence and analysis; Andrew Waggoner, intelligence and analysis; Katherine Wankowski, homeland security; and Martin Zapata, intelligence and analysis
Armed Forces Pacific: Jayna Dodd, intelligence and analysis
Brady: Kelli Tally Raneiri, criminal justice
Chesapeake, Va.: Robert Rock-Klotz, intelligence and analysis
Colorado Spring, Colo.: Jeffrey Campbell, intelligence and analysis
Corpus Christi: Chase Ryan Kelley, homeland security
Gatesville: Nathan Houston, intelligence and analysis
Goldthwaite: Naomi Gomez, criminal justice
Great Falls, Mont.: Lawrence Rajab, intelligence and analysis
Harker Heights: Sharnae Rabon, homeland security
Holloman AFB, N.M.: Rebecca Matthews, intelligence and analysis
Houston: Augustine San Miguel Arellano, homeland security
Hurst: Michaela Benton, intelligence and analysis
Lamesa: James Tidwell II, intelligence and analysis
Manlius, N.Y.: Sonja Hale, criminal justice
McAllen: Hope LaFreniere, global security studies
Pearl City, Hawaii: Shayne Matsuda, intelligence and analysis
San Antonio: Andrew Galvan, homeland security
Seguin: Antonio Zavala, homeland security
Toms River, N.J.: Patrick Byrne Jr., intelligence and analysis
Zephyrhills, Fla.: Christina Combs, intelligence and analysis
Headquartered at St. John’s University in New York, the Order of the Sword and Shield was formed in 2010 and is also known as Omicron Sigma Sigma. The ASU chapter president is Brett Lane of San Angelo. The faculty advisor is Dr. Eduardo Martinez, instructor of intelligence and analysis.
For More Information
Brett Lane, KBH Center for Security Studies