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“Transportation Plan”

Writer's picture: Conexión San AngeloConexión San Angelo

Major Hofheins, Director of the San Angelo Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) spoke to Conexión about the “Transportation Plan” that is currently being worked on. This plan goes from 2020 – 2045. The MPO provides a continuing comprehensive transportation planning process that considers all transportation modes and supports metropolitan community development and social goals. These plans lead to a transportation system that facilitates the efficient economic movement of people and goods.

“We are just now starting to meet with stake holders to get input about what things are good or things that might need improvement,” commented Hofheins. There are several things that need to be looked at such as would the city still be able to move people or freight if something in the transportation system went down like a main road due to an accident or a main bridge.

The MPO office has reached out to ASU and will be speaking with representatives from their Asian and Hispanic organizations as well as with the transportation committee of the student government class. “We’re going to see what they say are the particular issues with the university, where do those kids really need to get to and what are the plans for the land use in the future,” commented Hofhiens. These are things that will affect what needs to be done, like whether Avenue N or knickerbocker need to be widened. Several things need to looked at this plan including whether vehicles will be flying in the future or if they will even have a driver.

Soon the MPO will be reaching out to the public at churches and different events. They will talk to the people that use the roads and sidewalks. They will show them what they have planned and accept input on what the public thinks needs to be added or changed. “We really have to plan for the future, for a true livable environment,” concluded Hofheins.

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