SAN ANGELO, TX (02/29/2024) Angelo State University's office of the Laura W. Bush Institute for Women's Health (LWBIWH) will co-host the 11th annual West Texas Hunger Summit on Thursday, March 7, at the Region 15 Education Service Center, 612 S. Irene St.
Titled "Hunger Happens Here," the summit will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is co-hosted by the Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty (BCHP). Guest speakers will include:
Dr. Tammy Leonard, Professor of Health Economics and Policy, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Carrie Ross, Extension Agent, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Jessica Tudyk, Program Officer, Mary E. Bivins Foundation
They will discuss a variety of topics, including food insecurity, the state of senior hunger and available resources in all Texas counties from the Texas A&M AgriLife organization.
Following the presentations, participants in the summit will share best practices that can be implemented in any community, including:
Rethinking fundraising
Mobilizing local support for food charities
Placing grocery stores in schools
Ordering online from food pantries
Re-purposing food that would otherwise be discarded
The cost to attend the West Texas Hunger Summit is $10 per person and includes lunch. Registration is now open on the BCHP website.