The board of directors that oversees the Concho Valley Home for Girls, the Children!s Emergency
Shelter and the Concho Valley Transition Center are proud to announce a new direction.
The Girls Home and the Children!s Emergency Shelter were originally created years ago to meet a
desperate need for residential havens for at-risk youth in our community. Changing circumstances
have rendered us unable to continue in the same service. But we recognize that there is another
desperate need we have the opportunity to meet. Nowhere in our region is there an accessible
alcohol and drug abuse treatment facility for adolescents.
Under the auspices of ADACCV, the facilities and assets of the Girls Home and the Shelter will
become residential and outpatient treatment facilities for adolescents 13-17. ADACCV will also
oversee the Transition Center, which assists local young people ages 16 – 26 who have left or
"aged out” of the foster care system.
As a board we began exploring options several years ago. Child Protective Services, the primary
entity for placing children at the Girls Home and the Emergency Shelter, has continued to move
away from placement in residential facilities such as ours and increased their emphasis on foster
care and family placements. The number placed with us has dramatically and steadily declined,
now averaging from 0-4, total, between both facilities. With the staffing and accreditation
requirements and other fixed expenses, this is unsustainable in the long term.
The community support for our operations has always been great. But the intent of those donors,
our board, and the staff, is for our efforts and contributions to help children in need, not pay the
overhead for empty houses under unfunded mandates.
It was important to us as a board that whatever future course we chose should honor those
volunteers, donors, and staff past and present. Further, we wanted a situation where the current
staff would have the best opportunity to continue and prosper from the change.
ADACCV has the expertise and the desire to provide this service, and we have the facilities and
many of the talented people they need to make it happen. Our aim is to complete this transition by
January 2022.