SAN ANGELO, TEXAS--The San Angelo Symphony is pleased to recognize Mr. J. Mark McLaughlin as the title sponsor of its season-opening concert, The Planets, and Mr. Don and Mrs. Bette Allison as the guest artist and chorus sponsors.
In this multimedia production, the San Angelo Symphony performs Holst’s The Planets as images provided by Dr. Kenneth Carrell, Director of the ASU Planetarium, are presented on a giant screen above the orchestra. Robert Stovall leads the Symphony’s All- Female Chorus and concert pianist, Daniel del Pino, takes the stage alongside the orchestra performing Greig’s Concerto in A minor for Piano and Orchestra.
The San Angelo Symphony is excited to open its final rehearsal to area students for Know the Score on Saturday, November 5, 2022, from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Murphey Performance Hall. Know the Score provides attendees the unique opportunity to observe a professional ensemble rehearse and interact with both Maestro Guzman and select musicians from the orchestra. The free come-and-go event is open to the public, but we encourage those planning to attend to make a reservation by visiting the website at www.sanangelosymphony.org/know-the-score or calling (325) 658-5877.
Single tickets for the Symphony’s opening concert, The Planets, are on sale now and can be purchased online (www.sanangelosymphony.org) by phone, or at the Symphony office located in City Hall at 72 W. College Avenue on the West Mezzanine.
For ticket or 2022–2023 season subscription information, please call the Symphony office at (325) 658-5877.