Flag Day and a Flag Retirement 6 p.m. Ceremony was jointly held on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 near the Foster Communications Coliseum.
SAN ANGELO — Old Glory, the Stars and Stripes, the Star Spangled-Banner known also as the American U.S. flag has been flown in in wars from Flanders in World War I, to the Battle of the Bulge, Iwo Jima, Vietnam, etc.
On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 the San Angelo Elks Lodge #1880, and the American Legion jointly collaborated to celebrate the annual, Flag Day with a ceremony, followed by a Flag Retirement Ceremony where Old Glory was honorably withdrawn from active service.
“The purpose of this service is to honor our country's flag, to celebrate the anniversary of its birth and to recall achievements attained beneath its folds” said Aaron Nelson, a member of the Elks Lodge.
Nelson’s fellow Lodge members who participated included: Kim Gressett, Kyle Mantel, Kristie Young, Nick Negovetich, Mike Bryan, and Glenda Mathews.
Mr. Jim Stansbury, Texas Elks State Association, and former past president when his time came to give brief remarks, quoted President Woodrow Wilson’s proclamation on the U.S. flag printed in the New York Times on May 31, 1916.
“This Flag, which we honor and under which we serve, is the emblem of or unity, our power, our thought, and shape of this nation. It has no other character than that which we give it from generation to generation. The choice is ours.”
The ceremony concluded with the American Legion’s retirement of a Flag. “This flag has become unserviceable in a worthy cause. It has become faded and worn in tribute to service and love. I recommend it be honorably retired from further service” stated the vice commander of the VFW.
Bree Rose, Flag Detail guide led the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts Service 0501Unit Honor Guard in the retirement of the Flag. Conexión asked a little girl, one of the Girl Scout Service Unit members, what did it mean for you to carry one of the U.S. flags that your dad fought under? “It was very special.”